Ayurveda is a traditional and holistic art of healing that originated in India. The word itself means "knowledge of life" in ancient Indian, which is actually a very good description: In principle, it is about how a person can lead a fulfilled and balanced life.

In Ayurvedic scriptures, health is seen as the result of many components. The focus is always on the whole person: well-being arises when body, soul and spirit are in a healthy balance.

Ayurvedic teachings are several thousand years old and are even taught at state universities in India. But it is also becoming increasingly popular in Europe: as a natural alternative medicine, it complements conventional Western therapies. Soothing treatments such as massage, meditation and yoga are ideal for finding a balance to stressful everyday life.





8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

7 nights from 2,620.60 EUR per person
Minimum stay: 7 nights

Are you looking for renewed vitality, improved quality of life and balance? The Panchakarma treatment is the best-known Ayurvedic treatment and is practiced all over the world. It offers the opportunity for a fresh start through deep cleansing that permeates the innermost layers of tissue. It promotes the release of negative burdens and blockages as well as sustainable regeneration and thus has a holistic positive effect on your body, mind and soul.



8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

10 nights from 4,111.00 EUR per person
Minimum stay: 10 nights

Do you often lack the time and energy to take proper care of your health in your stressful everyday life? Between work pressures and commitments at home, it can be a real challenge to pay enough attention and care for yourself. Take some time for yourself so we can help you enact preventative measures - for the long-term and effective maintenance of your well-being into old age.



8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

4 nights from 1,499.00 EUR per person
Minimum stay: 4 nights

Our modern lifestyle can disrupt the cell's metabolism and impair the natural detoxification function. If you suffer from symptoms such as weight gain, food cravings, chronic inflammation, headaches or fatigue, you are not alone.
Our Ayurveda detox treatment offers the solution. We will help you shed the deposits and reactivate your metabolism through targeted cleansing and regeneration of the digestive system and the entire body.



8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

2 nights from 494.00 EUR per person
Minimum stay: 2 nights

Ayurveda and Yoga are based on the realization that everything is one. Being and Becoming is based on energies that influence our body, our mind and our overall well-being.
Yoga combines the movement of the body with the contemplation of the inner self for physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
In our yoga classes, everyone has the opportunity to learn the correct posture, coordinated movement sequences and appropriate breathing



8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

10 nights from 4.452.00 EUR per person
Minimum stay: 10 nights

The symptoms that each woman experiences during her menopause are as unique as each woman herself. Known technically as the climacterium, it marks a phase of hormonal change that is experienced differently by every woman. The effects of the menopause and when it occurs vary greatly. The Menopause is seen as a time of great opportunity for positive change in Ayurveda.

Vata - Pitta - Kapha:



Even more focused. Even more custom-tailored. And even more multifaceted: the offer at the Ayurveda Resort Mandira is aimed at a precise diagnosis and treatment according to your doshas Vata - Pitta - Kapha. Finally in perfect balance with type-appropriate Ayurveda. For a physically, mentally and emotionally liberated and fulfilled life!

The three constitutional types (doshas) play an important role in Ayurvedic thinking. The doshas are actually the three basic life energies that each person possesses in different amounts.

All three doshas are present in every person, but in an individual mixture. Depending on which energies are most pronounced, we speak of Vata, Pitta or Kapha types. It is very important to take the specific dosha type into account in treatment and nutrition - because each dosha type has different needs.

For the well-being of body, soul and spirit, the three doshas should be in as harmonious a balance as possible. It is therefore a good idea to calm excess doshas with suitable therapies and the right diet.

Noch fokussierter. Noch maßgeschneiderter. Und noch facettenreicher: das Angebot im Ayurveda Resort Mandira zielt auf eine punktgenaue Diagnose und Behandlung entsprechend Ihrer Doshas Vata – Pitta – Kapha ab. Mit typgerechtem Ayurveda endlich in perfekter Balance. Für ein körperlich, geistig und seelisch befreites und erfülltes Leben!

The Concept: Balancing

Vata - Pitta - kapha

The concept: bringing Vata - Pitta - Kapha into balance. Ayurveda assumes that every person has a certain mixture of the body's life forces, the so-called "doshas". This mixture of Vata - Pitta - Kapha is determined at birth. It shapes our individual physical, mental and spiritual characteristics. If this ratio is out of balance, illnesses become apparent. The aim of Ayurveda cures, Ayurveda treatments and an Ayurvedic lifestyle is therefore to restore the individual Dosha ratio - which leads to holistic health, well-being and balance on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

Find out which Ayurveda type you are with our free online test. Based on your answers, we will determine which of the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta & Kapha - is the most dominant. If you know your innate constitutional type, you can take simple steps to balance the three forces - for more health, strength and serenity in everyday life!


Which Type are you?

Find out which Ayurveda type you are with our free online test. Based on your answers, we will determine which of the 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta & Kapha - is the most dominant. If you know your innate constitutional type, you can take simple steps to balance the three forces - for more health, strength and serenity in everyday life!



  • Ray Panthaki
    "My transformative journey at Mandira during the 21-day Panchakarma detox was nothing short of life-altering. Not only did it positively impact me physically, emotionally, mentally, and creatively, but the kindness and care provided by the staff elevated the experience to another level. The serene surroundings of Mandira served as a perfect sanctuary for my well-being, tailored treatments and bespoke services catered precisely to my body's needs, including the Ayurvedic food… where I genuinely challenge you to find any better in Europe. The whole experience had such a profound impact on me and my health that I’ve promised to gift myself coming back here every year."
    Ray Panthaki
    Actor, Director & Producer
  • Christina Drexler (born Mauracher)
    "Ayurveda has had a major influence on my life. I was able to learn from my mother and share in her vision. Ayurvedic health science has its very own view of the constitution and functioning of the human body, which is composed of structural elements and energetic components. I studied this science of life in many years of training. Increased practice in our mother house was necessary in order to subject the effectiveness and practices to a well-founded examination. This is how Holistic Ayurveda developed for the European cultural sphere. It is based on the roots of the oldest holistic healing method in the world and incorporates other complementary and therapeutic methods as well as conventional medical knowledge. With joy and gratitude, I would like to pass on the knowledge of the healing powers of nature and Ayurveda to you and thus give you more health and well-being. That is my life's mission."
    Christina Drexler (born Mauracher)
  • Jule Gölsdorf
    "My Panchakarma Light treatment was very, very good for me and greatly reduced my stress levels on arrival. The massages in particular ensured that I was able to really disconnect - which is usually difficult for me - and the other treatments were important for my health! I particularly like the fact that the Mandira offers infusion therapy in addition to Ayurvedic medicine. During the treatment program you can relax in the spa and the beautiful garden and the Ayurvedic cuisine is delicious and healthy. I would recommend everyone to take a treatment once a year to prevent illness - wellness and health in one!"
    Jule Gölsdorf
    Journalist & Author