
Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG

Wagerberg 120
8271 Bad Waltersdorf

+43 3333 2801
[email protected]

© 2024 Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG
All rights reserved!

Design, Concept & Text: Wilde und Partner Communications Vienna GmbH

Design & Implementation: Wilde und Partner Communications Vienna GmbH

Legal Notices

Information according to § 5 E-Commerce Act
Imprint according to § 24 Media Act
Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act

Mandatory information according to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council: Online resolution of consumer disputes of the European Commission – further information is available at this link:

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All displayed information is subject to possible changes. All prices in Euros. Price changes as well as errors in the price and season or package period information are reserved.


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Terms of Use

The purpose of the website is to provide information about the company Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG, about services and products, as well as related information. This information does not constitute an offer in the legal sense.


The information on this website is created with great care and is regularly updated. Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content. Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG strives to keep the website available at all times but is not liable if it is unavailable at times in whole or in part.

The information contained on the website is not legally binding. For binding information, reference is made to the respective contracts and the contractual conditions underlying them. Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG is not liable for any direct or indirect damages or consequential damages resulting from the use of information or material from the website or from accessing other websites via links.

Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG does not assume any liability that information, downloads, or other material accessible through the website is free of viruses or other harmful components.


It is possible to access other websites through hyperlinks on the website of Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG, which are not operated by Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG. Such websites contain information from independent third parties that may be useful and interesting to visitors of this website. It is pointed out that the respective provider is solely responsible for the content and design of the respective websites. Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG assumes no liability for such providers and the information provided by them.

Data Protection

Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG places a high value on data protection and treats personal data absolutely confidentially. If we receive data from you via our website, it will only be used for the purposes you have requested and will not be passed on to third parties otherwise.

Territorial Limitation

The services and products presented on our website are currently only directed at EU citizens. Contracts can only be concluded in German. Austrian law applies to all legal relationships.


The structure and content of this website are protected by copyright. The use of text, image, or audio material is not permitted without prior approval by Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA GmbH & Co KG! If links to the website are set, the website must be the sole component of the browser window.

Information on Online Dispute Resolution according to Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-VO

The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute resolution on a platform operated by it (the "OS Platform"). The OS Platform can serve as a point of contact for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online purchase contracts or service contracts. This platform can be accessed via the external link

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Use of the collected information: In addition to the uses mentioned above, the information you provide will be used in accordance with applicable Google privacy policies. Google may publish aggregated statistics about users' +1 activities or share them with users and partners, such as publishers, advertisers, or connected websites.

Privacy Policy for the Use of X/Twitter

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We point out that we, as the provider of the pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data and its use by Twitter. For more information, see Twitter's privacy policy at

You can change your Twitter privacy settings in your account settings at