Healing Lavender

Aromatic Relaxation for Body & Mind

The scent of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) can instantly evoke an image of Provence’s magnificent lavender fields. This purple, blue and violet-flowering shrub, whose nectar is so beloved by bees, thrives in the south of France’s Mediterranean climate. However, the same is true of the climate in Styria’s thermal spa region. In fact, Austria’s largest lavender field is right on the Mandira’s doorstep! Lavender essential oil can relieve anxiety, sleep disorders and stress. Putting a few drops on your pillow before bed can work wonders! Lavender oil can also be taken in capsule form, although we do recommend you consult a doctor or pharmacist first. Or add some to your bath water! Harness the healing properties of lavender at the Mandira!

Healing Lavender
Lavender as a Gentle and Natural Medicine
Lavender as a Gentle and Natural Medicine

Lavender …

  • Helps with insomnia (2 to 3 drops on the pillow)
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Relaxes body and soul
  • Triggers the feeling of being able to let go
Lavender and the Colour Violet
  • Spiritual colours
  • Promotes mental balance
  • Increases decisiveness
  • Has a strong meditative effect
  • Contributes to a better exchange of vibrations between the two halves of the brain
  • Alleviates deep psychological problems
  • Has an analgesic effect (e.g. for migraines)
Lavender and the Colour Violet

Good to know

We are increasingly using the colour violet in our interiors, our decor and, above all, in the exterior design. Uphill, behind our Mandira, the violet sea begins – one of the largest lavender fields in Austria!