Balancing Vata

Autumnal Health Boosters

As the Fire element withdraws, summer’s Pitta Dosha qualities make way for the element of Air and autumn’s Vata. During this season – the transitional period between summer and Kapha’s winter – we focus on stabilising Vata and removing Ama (accumulated toxins) from the system.

The qualities of autumn and Vata are dry, cool, windy, rough, clear, subtle and light. An imbalance of Vata is unhelpful, reducing our resilience to illnesses. The array of symptoms that may indicate excess Vata include anxiety, restlessness, dry skin, digestive sensitivities, aversion to cold, intolerance to noise and insomnia. Hot drinks and hot meals, healthy fats to increase unctuousness, root vegetables for heaviness and sweetness, a steady routine and weather-appropriate clothing all help to rectify an imbalance of Vata.

Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata

Balancing Vata with the Holistic Ayurveda Diet

We all like to up our food intake as the nights draw in – autumn is, after all, the season of mellow fruitfulness, and there’s nothing more comforting than curling up on the sofa with a cup of tea and a biscuit … or two. However this shouldn’t be taken as an excuse to overeat and put pressure on the digestive system. A helpful way to approach autumn’s bounties is by focusing on the types of food we choose to eat, rather than piling our plates up with more of the usual. The Mandira’s Holistic Ayurveda approach to autumnal nutrition is based on sweet, salty and sour flavours, and on foods that are high in protein and good fats. Although cutting down on items such as iced and cold foods, raw vegetables, dry cereals, cabbage and certain sour fruits like gooseberries and rhubarb is recommended during Vata season, you can enjoy warming and stimulating spices such as ginger, turmeric, cumin and fennel, which are great for balancing Vata at this time of year. Soft foods – such as porridge, steamed vegetables, stews and soups – are enormously grounding.

Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata
Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata

Mandira Ahara Cuisine

Balance your Doshas with four levels of MANDIRA AHARA cuisine:

  • MANDIRA-AYURVEDA – Delicious Ayurvedic nutrition for health and fulfilment.

  • RASA & YANA – Ayurvedic replenishment and rejuvenation.
  • AYUR DETOX – Tridoshic detoxification and purification.
  • PANCHAKARMA – Holistic detoxification to preserve and restore physical health.

Each nutritional level is chosen to accompany a specific Ayurvedic or spa treatment programme to help bring about optimal health results.

Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata
Vata-Balancing Exercises for Autumn

Since Vata is the most delicate of the Doshas, exercise needs to be coupled with plenty of sleep and relaxation. During autumn your workout routine should be gentle, slow and strengthening. The best time to exercise is early in the morning or in the evening as this is when Kapha helps to buffer Vata. Ideal autumn exercises for grounding, slowing, fluidity, flexibility, strength, rest and rejuvenation:

  • Yoga
  • Aquafit

  • Flex & Mobile

  • Walking & Cycling

  • Somatics

  • Fascia Training

  • Pranayama & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga prepares the way for meditation with a complex series of exercises. At the Ayurveda Resort Mandira in Austria, we offer our guests a balanced weekly programme of Yoga, breathing technique and meditation sessions on our super spacious rooftop Yoga studio. These allow you to establish a helpful relationship with your body, and a deeper understanding of yourself, as breathing (Pranayama) and postures (Asanas) harmonise body, mind and spirit. Beginners need no prior knowledge and experienced practitioners can refine their techniques and resilience with every session.

Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata
Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata
Infusion Therapies

Critical to a well-functioning metabolism, vitamins are essential micronutrients that are also needed to ensure a strong immune system. As the body doesn’t produce its own vitamins, we generally need to absorb them through our diet and, since the intestinal mucosa’s ability to absorb vitamins is limited, infusion therapies are what we recommend. Vitamin C, for instance, can’t be absorbed in sufficient quantities from food, but can be optimally calibrated and administered in a high concentration via infusions. Autumnal infusion therapies give the immune system a great boost, regulate cell metabolism, and improve physical and mental performance. Oxygen and ozone therapies are administered by our resort physicians and complement our Health Med offer – where classic and holistic medicine are in synergy.


Panchakarma is known as the queen of Ayurvedic treatments, a form of thoroughgoing, holistic detoxification which many people enjoy on an annual or biannual basis. Restoring the balance of body and mind, Panchakarma gives you space to detox and regenerate. Just like a car needs servicing to remain functional, so too do people thrive if they undergo a yearly reset. Doing this in autumn helps to lay the foundation for a strong immune system and increased resilience during winter.

A Panchakarma treatment programme is based on a consultation with our Ayurveda specialists and includes Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. The next step is to put together a treatment plan to address your needs and promote physical cleansing. Your plan is complemented by interesting talks, meditation classes, Yoga sessions and holistic coaching. Programmes can last 7, 10, 14 or 21 days – the longer the programme the more intense the detox!

Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata
Ayurveda Resort Mandira Bad Waltersdorf Balancing Vata

Rasayana is a Sanskrit term that refers to techniques for a long life and strong body. The Mandira’s rejuvenating programme combines two distinct methods of Rasayana to achieve balance and emotional and physical health: Oshadhi Rasayana uses healing plants to supplement nutrition, and Achara Rasayana, a behavioural therapy that calms the mind and imparts ‘rejuvenating attitudes’. These rejuvenating measures energise while protecting body and mind from free radicals and other harms. The Ayurveda Resort Mandira’s Rasayana treatment programme is designed to help you manage stress and prevent burnout.

Tip: Preparation

We highly recommend our pre-detox packages for gentle detoxification at home. You’ll enjoy even better and longer-lasting results. As well as nutritional supplements, vital substances and a measuring tape, the packages contain a step-by-step plan, all the information you need to prepare for a treatment programme, and Holistic Ayurveda tips for life.