Ayurveda Journal
Ayurveda Journal – everything you need to know about Ayurveda in Europe
Ayurveda Journal – everything you need to know about Ayurveda in Europe

Holistic Ayurveda

Harmonious union is a principle – or desire – that can shape many of aspects of our lives: friends, family, work, the community, and health.

Holistic Ayurveda breaks new ground by combining ancient wisdom and modern science.

‘Read thought-provoking Ayurvedic facts, news, studies and advice in our Ayurveda Journal: come and join us on this journey!’

Christina Mauracher

Christina Mauracher
Christina Mauracher


Holistic Ayurveda

Ancient wisdom and modern science forging a new path

In a world where stress, disharmony, viruses and lifestyle diseases prevail, we long for balance, good health and enduring values. We find these desirable concepts already united in a philosophy whose origins stretch deep into antiquity, which is also one of the oldest medical systems known to mankind: Ayurveda.

We have translated this wisdom to suit our time and requirements: healthy, achievable and science-based Holistic Ayurveda. Read all about it in the Ayurveda Journal.

Cleansing, letting go and sustainable regeneration

Panchakarma with Holistic Ayurveda

The objectives of the queen of Ayurvedic treatments are physical, mental and spiritual cleansing to boost holistic health and wellbeing.

Detox and weight loss for more energy

Detox with Holistic Ayurveda

A personalised nutrition programme, cleansing and detox treatments, as well as gentle exercise release both physical and mental weight.

‘Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of living in the way.’
‘Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of living in the way.’
Ayurveda Journal – the world of Holistic Ayurveda
A healthy diet

Diet plays an essential role in maintaining good physical and mental health. Ayurvedic nutrition therefore takes into account your unique constitution and specific needs.

Pioneering Yoga

All is one: Yoga is the bridge between our mind and our body, our external and internal selves, our being and our becoming. Yoga trains body awareness and breathing, strengthening deep muscles and the mind.

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