
For anyone who feels as though
their body has gone out of balance

Our modern lifestyle can disrupt cell metabolism and impair the natural detoxification function. If you suffer from symptoms such as weight gain, food cravings, chronic inflammation, headaches or fatigue, you are not alone.

Our Ayurveda detox treatment has the solution.

Through targeted cleansing and regeneration of the digestive system and the entire organism, we help you to get rid of toxic deposits and revitalize your metabolism. Our holistic treatment lays the foundation for a stable immune system, new life energy and long-term health.

  • Elimination of toxins
  • Remedy metabolic disorders
  • Natural, intuitive weight loss
  • Cleansing and regeneration of the digestive tract
  • Strengthening of the immune system.
  • Reactivates self-healing
  • Strengthens your mental resilience
  • Reactivation of your vital energy

Ablauf der


Wörtlich übersetzt bedeutet Panchakarma (Pancha = fünf); (Karma = Handlung) „die fünf Handlungen“. Die Kur besteht aus 5 individuellen verschiedenen Ausleitungsverfahren, die das überschüssige Dosha (Vata, Pitta und Kapha) aus dem Körper ausleiten und reinigen, um die Ursache des Ungleichgewichts in Körper, Geist und Seele zu beseitigen. Durch die Vorbehandlung, Hauptbehandlung, Nachbehandlung und begleitende Maßnahmen findet eine ganzheitliche Reinigung und Revitalisierung statt.


Ayurveda Detox

The treatment begins with a herbal elixir to support the metabolism. This detoxifies the liver and boosts digestion. This is followed by a detox day and a build-up phase.


Our digestive fire is responsible for our entire digestive process. If it is disturbed, this not only results in flatulence, constipation, bloating and intolerances, but can also lead to mental disorders such as forgetfulness or mental restlessness.

This is why we've developed the ideal diet for you to detoxify and purify your body, individually tailored according to the Tridosha teachings of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

  • Varied breakfast buffet with Ayurvedic specialties and organic juice, herb and vegetable bar
  • 3-Course-Tridosha-Lunch
  • Soup for Dinner

Cleansing Treatments

Treatments with oil - such as oil pulling, forehead oil pouring and oil massages - are an important part of the detoxification process: toxins are bound and removed. Special massages and personalized serums tailored to your individual needs stimulate the lymphatic system, activate the metabolism and help the body to remove accumulated fluid and toxins.

Light Exercise

The Ayurveda active and relaxation programme mobilizes your self-healing powers and tightens the connective tissue. It also activates your metabolism, promotes your vitality and fitness, your coordination and mobility in a gentle way without overstraining you.

These are our offers

  • Morning Yoga
  • Aquafit
  • "Flex & Mobile" Mobility training
  • Somatics
  • Fascial Training
  • Pranayama & Meditation

These exclusive offers

are waiting for you here

We offer our Detox guests exclusive services for holistic physical and mental cleansing and relaxation on all levels of being.



In unserem Panchakarma Kur-Restaurant bieten wir Ihnen individuell abgestimmte Speisen, die die tiefgehende Reinigung und Ausleitung von Toxinen unterstützt. Die Gerichte bestehen aus indischen und heimischen Kräutern sowie regionalen Produkten, die kraftspendende und aufbauende Nährstoffe zuführen. Wir nutzen zu 95 % regionale Zutaten, angepasst an die Jahreszeiten, und arbeiten hierfür mit regionalen Bauern zusammen.



At our hotel restaurant, we offer individually tailored dishes that support the deep cleansing and elimination of toxins. The dishes consist of Indian and local herbs as well as regional products that provide invigorating and restorative nutrients. We use 95% regional ingredients, adapted to the seasons, and work with regional farmers to provide high quality ingredients.


Ayurveda Garten

Wir bieten Ihnen exklusiven Zugang zu unserem Ganesha’s Garden und dem Ruheraum Ganesha’s Spirit, der Entspannung und Wohlbefinden verspricht.

Holistic Medical


We view your health as a holistic system to which we contribute in all areas of lifestyle: from the diagnosis to regenerative and preventative therapy

Yoga & Mediation

Find your Inner Center

Yoga and meditation can reduce mental and physical tension. Less tension also means that we can focus more on the important things in life, go through life with more ease and build up new resilience.


Ayurveda Garden

You'll be granted exclusive access to Ganesha's Garden and the Ganesha's Spirit room, which promises relaxation and well-being.

Yoga & Meditation

Finding your inner center

Yoga and meditation can reduce mental and physical tension. Less tension also means that we can focus more on the important things in life, go through life with more ease and build up new resilience.

Lectures by

Health experts

Thermal Springs

and Ayurveda Spa

Our personalized

Detox Treatments

Prices, Offers and Duration

Enjoy a 4 or 10-day treatment. The longer it is carried out for, the more sustainable and successful the effect will be. Each of our treatments is individually adapted to you and your dosha types on site, for maximum effectiveness.

Detox Treatment


8. JAN. - 23. DEC.

4 Nights from 1.535,00 EUR per person incl. room
Minimum Stay: 4 Nights

Included Services

Healthy weight loss and sustainable weight control with a pleasurable diet in everyday life - this goal can be achieved with Holistic Ayurveda. The Short Detox program gives you a kick start for a healthy shape, fitness and balance in everyday life.

Detox Kur


8 JAN - 23 DEC

7 nights from 2,498.30 EUR per person incl. room
Minimum stay: 7 nights

Included Services

A gentle internal cleanse, detoxification, and purification form the basis for healthy, sustainable weight management. Ayurveda and Beyond paves the way to maintain your shape, fitness, and emotional balance in the long term, helping you lose weight healthily.

Detox Treatment


8. JAN. - 23. DEZ.

10 Nights from 3.513,00 EUR per person incl. room
Minimum Stay: 10 Nights

Included Services

The Holistic Ayurveda intensive detox treatment according to the principles of Holistic Ayurveda is based on detoxification, intestinal cleansing and the regulation of the metabolism. The physical therapy is combined with detox nutrition, counseling, yoga and meditation. Lose weight the right way and keep it off for life.